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3 Signs You're Ready to Scale Your VA Business

Writer's picture: Ingrid BayerIngrid Bayer

With the growth in demand for VAs skyrocketing, it’s no surprise that our industry is booming. And what’s even more exciting is that since 2020, we’re seeing an increase in solo VAs transitioning into a team or agency model.

For the client, it’s a win-win… instead of one VA, they gain the benefit of a seamless delivery of the services they receive from experts in their field, so it’s no wonder it’s an attractive proposition.

If you’re currently operating as a solo VA, you may wonder what signals indicate you’re ready to scale your VA business and potentially establish something that’s more team focused?

Here’s 3 very common indicators that you’re ready to move from ‘me’ to ‘we’:

You’re struggling to keep up with your current client workload

When you start your VA business, the goal is always to build a solid base of clients who provide you with a consistent and ongoing stream of work. But what happens when your clients experience growth and need more from you?

I have spoken with many VAs over the years who have faced this very issue and found themselves working ridiculously long hours just to keep up, and totally losing sight of any flexibility and work/life balance they had previously gained.

Apart from being non-sustainable and the perfect recipe for burnout, you actually risk lowering your standard of service because you’re so busy, and may even lose clients in the process.

This is a sure sign that your business is now at a point where you have a decision to make: either cut back your workload by moving a client on, or bringing in a subcontractor to help you manage the increased workload.

You are at absolute capacity and are now turning away potential clients

I’ve seen this happen time and time again… a new VA is at capacity and ‘closes the books’ to any potential clients.

Whilst I totally get the reasons why a VA would turn away future work, the thing is that there are never any guarantees in business, and while some clients are long-term (I’ve had a client for 12 years now and is still going), they definitely won’t ALL be. So, even though you’re riding a success wave right now, there is always the possibility that things will change in the future.

Let’s face it: clients come and go… and there’s nothing bad about that, but you certainly need to have strategies in place to ensure the impact to you is minimal.

By scaling your business, you can comfortably use your team of skilled subcontractors to facilitate bringing on additional client work. And, in the event of a downturn, your additional clients are YOUR backup plan when it comes to mitigating the threat of reduced revenue.

Or… you just want to build something that’s bigger than you!

For some VAs, they have always seen the opportunity for something bigger than them, and it’s very much within reach if you’re set up the right way from the get-go. My advice is to perfect the model first; dive in headfirst and make the mistakes, experience success and accomplishment, understand what clients want and need, and perfect your services FIRST, and then start to strategically build a team around you.

And if you do decide to scale your VA business, remember that much like your own VA journey, it’s important to do it the right way… one step at a time. Build solid foundations first, have a strategy in place and a plan to follow, and understand the risks.

VA Institute has recently launched the VA to Agency Program which is the first of its kind for the VA Industry. The program provides bespoke, individually guided sessions with both Ingrid Bayer and Angela Revell who mentor and facilitate VAs in the transition from solo to agency in a strategic and seamless fashion.


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