Moving from your employee based role to your new self-employed Virtual business in a way that sets you up for success requires a lot of thought and forward planning.
A lot of people don't get beyond this point because it absolutely scares the pants off them...
But, in all honesty, if you are ready to step into a VA business, you will already have a wealth of experience and knowledge that will make this step seem - with just a little bit of commonsense - quite simple and straightforward – indeed, dare I say, even logical. If you’ve ever set up your own business, or helped someone set up their own business in the past, then it will be a walk in the park.
After you've set up the 'business basics' (business name registration, ABN etc), there are some key steps that I've outlined below that you will need to work through so as to ensure that you are set up for success from the outset.
The fabulous thing is that all of these steps can be completed in your downtime while you’re still working in your paid employment - so that makes it very low risk for you!
STEP 1 – Define Your Service Offering and Ideal Client
STEP 2 – Calculate your Rate
STEP 3 - Join a VA Network
STEP 4 – Understand the Benefits of Collaborating with other VAs
STEP 5 – Consider joining an Industry Association
STEP 6 - Set up a Website
STEP 7 - Update / Create a LinkedIn Profile
STEP 8 - Create your very own Professional Profile and Testimonials
STEP 9 - Draft your own Service Agreement Template
STEP 10 – Set Up your Workspace
STEP 11 – Check your Resources and Technology are sufficient
STEP 12 – Understand Insurances
STEP 13 – Work out your Transition Game Plan
For more detailed info and support about each step, contact Ingrid on +61 418 277114 or ingrid@vainstitute.com.au
The VA Institute specialises in Virtual Assistant Training | VA Coaching | VA Setup | VA Training