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Should VAs list their Rates on their Website? Read this FIRST!!!

Writer: Ingrid BayerIngrid Bayer

Without a doubt, one of the most frequently debated topics among Virtual Assistants is this:


“Should I list my service prices on my website?”


Understandably, there are some conflicting opinions out in the wider community about the pros and cons behind service businesses like Virtual Assistants and Virtual Industry Professionals making the decision to list prices on their website. However, I believe there is a much bigger conversation at play… and it’s all related to selling your expertise, and positioning yourself as the professional and valuable resource you are!


Having had the benefit of experience gained through running my own VA business since 2008, and then as the Founder of VA Institute since 2017, we’ve guided over 1,500 Australian VAs in building sustainable and highly successful and profitable businesses. My suggestion is that you stop and think carefully before listing your prices online… here’s why:


🔹 First Impressions Matter – I know you will have devoted valuable time, and a lot of thought into your service offering, and the reasons why you could be the next best thing for that potential client scrolling around on your website. The truth is that when presented with the option of clicking on a pricing page, that’s where the majority of website visitors will go - often straight away - without fully understanding the value and relevance of what you offer. If your potential clients don’t immediately see the bigger picture, and your price doesn’t meet their expectation, the likelihood is that they will just move on… and you will be none the wiser!

🔹 Context is Key – We all know that pricing is rarely one-size-fits-all. And if, like other Virtual Business Operators, you’re open to negotiating with certain clients (e.g. not-for-profits, strategic partnerships), a set price on your website could (and probably will) work against you.

🔹 Avoid Being Boxed in by Numbers – Clients who are largely unfamiliar with the VA industry may compare services based solely on rates rather than outcomes. The reality? Two VAs charging the same hourly rate may work at completely different speeds and skill levels. The real question isn’t "how much per hour?" but rather "what results will I get?"

🔹 Customisation Creates Opportunity – Without a conversation, clients take prices at face value… and there’s no going back if they’re seeing a price that doesn’t fit with their budget, or lists out a service package with elements that are not relevant to their needs or their business. Bottom line is that it doesn’t fit their budget or service requirements, they move on.  The sad part of that is that they will often move on without ever discussing tailored solutions that could work for both parties.


The Verdict? Value First, Price Second


While listing prices comes down to personal choice for every Virtual Business Operator, we strongly recommend positioning your value before focusing on cost.


A well-crafted service page that highlights outcomes, expertise, and client results will ultimately position you as the expert you undoubtedly are, and will set the stage for a more meaningful pricing discussion.


What’s your approach to pricing? Do you list your prices, or do you prefer to provide your clients with customised quotes?


Share your thoughts in the comments!


If you're struggling with questions like these, and want answers that are built on real-world experience in the Australian VA Industry, get in touch with VA Institute... we're here to help!


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