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Why building your own VA business is not for everyone

Writer's picture: Ingrid BayerIngrid Bayer

Running your own business from home.

Being able to work around your own family commitments.

Being your own boss.

Sounds great, right?

Whilst building your own VA business SOUNDS great to many people, the reality is that there are people who really are just not made for building, and running, their own VA business.

Before you commit to setting up your own VA business, it's worth considering whether this path is actually the right path for you.

After all, the world needs BOTH employees AND entrepreneurs. It's just a matter of being honest with yourself about where you sit, and asking yourself if you have the qualities needed to build a great VA business.

So, what type of people are NOT suitable for building their very own VA business?

People who find it difficult to communicate.

Communication is the the glue that binds the work we do to the great outcomes our client experiences... and without that, it's very difficult to achieve any measure of success. What is required is a commitment to communication that well and truly makes up for the fact that we are generally not in the client's physical workplace.

Those who aren't invested in delivering quality work.

To build a sustainable client-base and credibility, it's vital that you do good work - and actually care about doing it.

People who are not very flexible will struggle. In this business, you simply must be a bit elastic. If you are a person with the attitude of "It's my way or the highway" then this probably isn't the best choice for you.

Those who lack the basics.

Some level of competency (and technology basics) is absolutely necessary. You should know your way around Dropbox, how to turn your microphone and video on for example. You should know how to do a quick Google search to find the answer to things you may not know. If you don't have basic skills - you need to learn those skills FIRST. Before you engage a client. Offering services you have no experience in is a recipe for disaster and fraught with danger.

Those with limited availability.

It's all well and good to want to work around your family commitments, but your clients still need a VA who is actually available for some of the time. If you work full-time and want to build your business alongside, for example - well you simply have to be prepared to put in hours to build that business in the evenings and on weekends.

Anything worth doing comes with some level of sacrifice - it's a matter of working out what you are willing to give up short-term for the greater good. If you aren't prepared to put in some time to setting up and building - this probably isn't for you.

People who don't listen.

Those who don't actually LISTEN (not just hear), and know how to read between the lines to get an understanding about what's really going on for their clients generally won't succeed when it comes to building a sustainable client-base. The clients who need VAs more often than not need someone who will listen to their pain points and offer suggestions in situations where the client doesn't necessarily know the answers themselves.

People who aren't problem solvers.

It's so important to our clients that we are able to think outside of the square and offer suggestions. If you are a person who just wants to be told what to do and go do it, this may not be a good fit for you.

Likewise, those who aren't able to think laterally about their own business, or problem solve strategies that arise as business owners will likely struggle. Whatever goes wrong, as a business owner who is proactive and solution-focused, you will find it much easier to come up with other strategies you could utilise and pivot to success.

Those who aren't proactive and prepared to tell people about their business.

We work virtually, meaning we don't have an actual shopfront for potential clients to wander into and find out about more about what we can offer them. That means that you actually have to market yourself.

Note: I said 'market' not 'sell'. There is a big difference. If you are incapable (or afraid) of building genuine relationships with people, or of actually telling people what you do - chances are people just aren't going to find you.

Before committing to launching and building your own VA business, it's worth doing a self-check on the points above to make sure that you have the qualities needed to succeed - and don't beat yourself up if you don't (yet)! Either work to build capacity around the sticking points, or put the idea to bed for now and give yourself grace to accept that - it's simply not for everyone!



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